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$Money tips$

(based on personal knowledge)
Money tip:  (mostly for web-heads)

 1# Don't go shopping when you'r hungry (investigations show you'll end up with stuff you barely need)

 2# When leaving you home, turn off the radiator or other stuff using power, that isn't neccesary (this will safe you alot of money) Yes, most things use power, even when standby.

 3# After a party, dont just throw out the bottle's? You will safe a lot of money taking them to the mall. actually, be the host of the party just to collect those extra payments.

 4# Don't be a lazy ass fuck, you'll never accomplish your goal by beeing so.

 5# If you got a girl. YES, you want to spoil her, i know. But get a grib of yourself Aiight?. ;) (buy her those million dollar gifts, when YOU actually accomplished something)

 6# Money are not power unless you are a rich egocentric fuck without family, but a way of making a living for you and your family. Remember that.

MORE TIPS SOON! Add your own tip in comment section and i will post them to the site